anybody with a pro-Israeli or Zionist perspective is willing to debate our guest speaker for Tuesday (Feb. 17, 2009) , Dr. Lawrence Davidson, let me know ASAP. It's ironic that finding someone on campus who is pro-Israel is easy but to have them argue their position in public is difficult. can anyone prove me wrong on this? if so email me or write a comment.
the pro-Israeli argument is very weak.. i'm not surprised you're not able to find someone to argue for the pro-Israeli perspective.. its about time the American tax-payers awaken to this issue
they got a speaker to represent the Israeli perspective.. the former director of the Hillel Mr. Tuvia Abramson .. this sould be exciting
Tuvia just withdrew from the panel after the format was agreed to and everything.. nobody want's to defend the actions of an apartheid state anymore.. Israel's apologists are tired of defending it's actions
No. No one wants to debate you because you're intellectually dishonest. There's a big difference.
how about we have a student debate? are you in? if so send an email to SJP
We can compromise on a format and date, etc. Until then will we see who is intellectually dishonest.
btw..i dont care if you're a student, professor, or a local resident, i'm willing to confront any Zionist and their argument... you in?
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