Devastation in Gaza and West Bank, NOT Israel
If you want to see real devastation concerning the Palestine-Israel conflict you need to visit Gaza, not Israel. The Taglit-Birthright Israel trip is nothing but a well orchestrated propaganda tour organized for young Jewish adults all over the world. According to the U.N., over the past couple of weeks alone Israel has killed over 1,330 Palestinians, 460 of whom were women and children, compared to 13 Israel deaths -10 of them being soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Forces. Furthermore, over 4,000 buildings, homes and shelters in Gaza have been demolished. I’m sure that the three soldiers, armed retired medic and tour guide who escorted the Penn State Jewish students didn’t tell them that Israel is illegally occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip, restricts the Palestinian population’s freedom of movement, violates basic human rights and have imposed a blockade on Gaza for several years causing a humanitarian disaster. Don’t take my word for it just read the independent human rights organizations who periodically document the basic human rights violations taking place in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Israel’s own human rights group, Btselem, describes the regime in Israel as “reminiscent of distasteful regimes from the past, such as the Apartheid regime in South Africa” (lookup Btselem’s“Land Grab” report). Israel further practices its apartheid policies by banning Arab-Israeli parties from participating in the upcoming Israelis elections taking place next month. Based on the documentary record, young Israeli soldiers aren’t defending a Jewish homeland. They are just war criminals defending a racist state and committing war crimes against the defenseless Palestinians.
there's currently a worldwide campagin to put charge Israeli leaders for war crimes in their recent assault on Gaza... Israeli leaders are the new Nazis where they will face crimes in front of the whole world.
Go Israel!!!!!
Sammy you have got to get your facts straight.
The Arab parties were not banned from voting, the judiciary overturned that motion.
Now Sammy, imagine for a moment what would happen if Israel withdrew from the West Bank and opened their crossing to Gaza.
This would almost certainly mean increased rocket fire and resumption of terrorist attacks in Israel proper.
You don't advocate justice, you advocate the destruction of the state of Israel. Hell look at your logo, it doesn't even acknowledge Israel; kind of like Hamas.
I expect you will be talking about the Zionist entity soon and denying the holocaust all the while.
can anybody answer two simple questions for me?
First, why are the Palestinians attacking Israel?
Second, why is Israeli occupying the Palestinians?
There's been an occupation of Palestinian land for over 40 years.. before Hamas, before rockets, before suicide bombing,,why weren't the Palestinians allowed to have a state then?
Resistance is the natural response to occupation
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