Press release, Al Mezan, 11 January 2009
Today after midnight, IOF expanded its ground invasion in
the south of Gaza City. Troops and tanks penetrated the
southern Gaza-City neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa and stayed
there for hours before withdrawing to the suburbs of
al-Zahra town, south to Gaza City. The IOF had dropped
thousands of leaflets ordering the residents of Tel
al-Hawa to evacuate their homes.
By Mohammed Abu Asaker, Live from Palestine, 11 January 2009
All of my family are Gaza are staying in one room.
Expecting that a missile could attack them any moment,
they prefer to die all together. My little brothers and
sisters are very scared and don't sleep well and the
bombing goes on day and night. Mohammed Abu Asaker writes
from Sudan.
UN warns Israel over Gaza family 'herded' into shelled house
Daily News Article by Martin Fletcher, Azmi Keshawi
The Times - January 10, 2009 - 12:00am
More than 100 members of one extended Gazan family were allegedly herded by Israeli soldiers into a house that was subsequently shelled, killing up to 30 people and leaving others wounded and living with the corpses for three days.
Daily News Article by James Bone, Martin Fletcher
The Times - January 10, 2009 - 12:00am
A plan to create a new foothold in Gaza for the Palestinian Authority and to bring in international monitors was being drawn up by diplomats yesterday as a UN ceasefire call was dismissed by both sides.
| 'Viva la Gaza!' Daily News Article by Aluf Benn Haaretz - January 9, 2009 - 12:00am The list of objectives for Operation Cast Lead that the political-security cabinet dictated to the Israel Defense Forces on the eve of the operation was characterized by restraint. It included halting the rocket fire and terror, reducing Hamas' capacity to rearm, continuing talks with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, striking a blow to Hamas' rule in Gaza, preventing a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, and improving the odds for the release of abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. Peace Is No Longer in SightDaily News Article by Tom Segev The Washington Post - January 10, 2009 - 12:00am At the end of the 10th day of Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip, I was zapping between Israeli, Arab and international TV channels. The pictures grew more gruesome from moment to moment. Then a friend called to tell me that Mezzo, a French concert channel, had just started playing "Christ on the Mount of Olives," a rather obscure oratorio by Beethoven. CIVILIANS DELIBERATELY TARGETED: 194 OF GAZA'S 830 KILLED ARE CHILDREN Press release, Al Mezan, 10 January 2009 Israeli forces continued to systematically target civilians and civilian objects. Air raids and artillery attacks particularly targeted homes. Several families were killed under the rubble of their homes across the Gaza Strip. PALESTINE : ROLE OF THE MEDIA: IN WASHINGTON, ALL ROADS LEAD TO TEHRAN By Daniel Luban, The Electronic Intifada, 10 January 2009 WASHINGTON (IPS) - As the war in Gaza approaches its third week, a chorus of influential voices in the United States media has cast the conflict as a proxy war in which the real enemy is not Hamas but Iran. The result has been a growing tendency in the US to view Gaza as simply one battleground in a larger war between Iran and the West, and to dismiss the stated concerns of the Palestinians as a mere smokescreen for Iranian influence. PALESTINE : HUMAN RIGHTS: TESTIMONY: GAZA FAMILY MASSACRED, SURVIVORS DETAINED Testimony, B'Tselem, 8 January 2009 When the missile stuck, I lay down with my daughter under me. Everything filled up with smoke and dust, and I heard screams and crying. After the smoke and dust cleared a bit, I looked around and saw 20-30 people who were dead, and about 20 who were wounded. Some were severely wounded and some lightly. PALESTINE : DEVELOPMENT: COALITION OF INT'L ORGS CALL ON EU TO SUSPEND "UPGRADE" WITH ISRAEL Press release, various undersigned, 8 January 2009 A coalition of major humanitarian, human rights and development organizations called on the European Union today [7 January 2009] to immediately suspend any further enhancement of its relations with Israel, known as an "upgrade," until it agrees to a comprehensive ceasefire and provides unimpeded humanitarian access. PALESTINE : DEVELOPMENT: TENS OF THOUSANDS FLEE RAFAH Report, The Electronic Intifada, 9 January 2009 TEL AVIV (IRIN) - Independent confirmation of the situation in Gaza, particularly in Rafah on the border with Egypt, is difficult as Israel's ban on journalists entering the Strip remains in place. Telephone lines are overloaded and affected by power cuts. Rafah residents told IRIN by phone that tens of thousands had fled heavy Israeli bombardments, with some seeking refuge at United Nations institutions or at homes of friends and relatives in areas further from the border but still in the south. PALESTINE : DEVELOPMENT: THREAT OF EPIDEMICS IN GAZA Report, The Electronic Intifada, 9 January 2009 RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IRIN) - The total halt to vaccinations in Gaza since the Israeli offensive began on 27 December could result in epidemics, a risk increased by Gaza's high population density and dire living conditions, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on 8 January. Some 1.5 million Palestinians live in the 365-square kilometer coastal Strip. Earlier this week ADC held a town hall meeting where various ideas and strategies were discussed and considered. In response to direct community input, ADC has extended its hours of operation and community members are encouraged to volunteer their time at the office, which now will be open Monday-Friday from 8am-8pm.
ADC is also planning a number of events scheduled to take place the week of January 12-16. While these events take place, ADC cannot emphasize how important it is for you to contact your members of Congress and members of your local and national media to express your concerns. You can do this anytime and as frequently as you’d like, because Congress and the media need to hear from you.
To contact your member of Congress, see: To contact your local and national media, see:
Birth Pangs of a New Palestine Daily News Article by Mouin Rabbani The Middle East Report (Opinion) - January 7, 2009 - 12:00am Shortly after 11:30 am on December 27, 2008, at the height of the midday bustle on the first day of the Gazan week and with multitudes of schoolchildren returning home from the morning shift, close to 90 Israeli warplanes launched over 100 tons of explosives at some 100 targets throughout the 139 square miles of the Gaza Strip. Within minutes, the near simultaneous air raids killed more than 225 and wounded at least 700, more than 200 of them critically. Is the Real Target Hamas Rule?Ethan Bronner The New York Times January 4, 2009 EREZ CROSSING, on the Israel-Gaza border — As Israel’s tanks and troops poured into Gaza on Saturday, the next phase in its fierce attempt to end rocket attacks, a question hung over the operation: can the rockets really be stopped for any length of time while Hamas remains in power in Gaza? And if the answer is determined to be no, then is the real aim of the operation to remove Hamas entirely, no matter the cost? Solution to Gaza crisis requires pan-Arab effortZvi Barel Haaretz January 4, 2009 The intensification of the military operation in Gaza has not yet led to a similar increase in the Arab states' diplomatic efforts. A lasting diplomatic solution to the Gaza situation demands more than an agreement between Hamas and Israel - it demands pan-Arab reconciliation. Turkish Prime Recep Tayyip Erdogan's shuttle diplomacy took him to Saudi Arabia on Sunday, and it seems he is now coming to understand the tremendous weight of the mission he has taken upon himself. Holy Land Foundation case puts burden on Muslim charitiesJason Trahan The Dallas Morning News January 3, 2009 American Muslims are finding it more difficult to donate money to help Palestinian refugees and other Middle Eastern causes because of court decisions showing that some charities were using the money for terrorism. On Nov. 24, the formerly Richardson-based Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers were found guilty in a Dallas federal court of sending millions of dollars to Palestinian charity committees controlled by banned group Hamas. UN rejects IDF claim Gaza militants operated from bombed-out schoolAkiva Eldar Amos Harel Amira Hass Avi Issacharoff Anshel Pfeffer Haaretz January 7, 2009 The United Nations on Wednesday denied Israel Defense Forces claims that there were Palestinian militants in the Gaza school bombed by Israel on Tuesday. Christopher Gunness of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said the organization is 99.9 percent certain there were no militants or military activity in its school. That does not necessarily contradict Israel's claim that the militants were operating close by, Gunness said. Israel Puts Media Clamp on GazaEthan Bronner The New York Times January 6, 2009 Three times in recent days, a small group of foreign correspondents was told to appear at the border crossing to Gaza. The reporters were to be permitted in to cover firsthand the Israeli war on Hamas in keeping with a Supreme Court ruling against the two-month-old Israeli ban on foreign journalists entering Gaza. Each time, they were turned back on security grounds, even as relief workers and other foreign citizens were permitted to cross the border. On Tuesday the reporters were told to not even bother going to the border. Selective memory, conflict chronologyDaoud Kuttab The Jordan Times Opinion January 7, 2009 A much repeated Arab saying dealing with conflicts states: the initiator [of a conflict] is the wrong one. So if one is trying to figure out who is wrong in the current round of violence in Gaza, all one has to do is figure out who started it. But the moment one begins this search, one finds oneself in a more complicated, bind, namely figuring out what is the starting point, time-wise. Transcript: Stephen HadleyJohn D. McKinnon The Wall Street Journal Interview January 7, 2009 The Journal's John McKinnon sat down with National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley at his office in the West Wing. They talked about the situation in Gaza, the U.S. relationship with Russia, Iraq and more in an interview previewing a valedictory speech Mr. Hadley plans to deliver Wednesday. Below is an edited transcript of the interview. * * * The Wall Street Journal: Talk a little about the challenges, as well as the opportunities, that the next administration is going to face. CNN NEWSROOM TRANSCRIPT EXCERPT: Crisis between Gaza and Israel deepensCNN January 5, 2009 Aired January 5, 2009 - 09:00 ET HEIDI COLLINS, CNN ANCHOR: Two huge stories and the world is watching this morning. Sirens well and explosions thunder in Gaza. The crisis with Israel deepens. Good morning, everybody. I'm Heidi Collins. Today is Monday, January 5th and you are in the CNN NEWSROOM…. Joining us now from Washington, Dr. Ziad Asali. He's with the American Task Force on Palestine. Two Years Later: Two Wars and One IdeologyElias Harfoush Dar Al-Hayat Opinion January 5, 2009 The confrontation between the Israeli army and the Hamas movement following the ground invasion of Gaza is similar in many aspects to the confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah in summer 2006. |
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