(photo courtesy of Daily Collegian)
So Penn State's School of Communications had CNN's Wolf Blitzer give a commencement speech along with an honorary degree. Mr. Blitzer actually made a visit to Penn State before. He participated on panel in 1989 to discuss the Palestinian Intifada. He represented the pro-Israeli viewpoint on the panel. He was the Jerusalem bureau chief for the Jerusalem Post after working for the pro-Israeli lobby group AIPAC. Its interesting that a former lobbyist for a special interest group now has his journalism hat on. He's no precedent for Penn State journalist students to follow.
Among the panellists Blitzer debated was Norman Finkelstein. Dr. Finkelstein was subsequently invited by SJP and told us that Blitzer performance was so bad he refused to get on the same plane with Finkelstein back to New York. Part 1 of Q&A session of the debate can be found
here. You can judge for yourselves.
Such biased piece of Arab bullshit.
You Arabs and your beheading tactics is why Palestine has no country.
Okay, I'm trolling. Palestine deserves a country, but this is just unnecessary criticism.
how can a former special interest lobbyist with Zionists views be on prime time television posing as a journalists...only in AIPAC's America
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