Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finkelstein Event

(this is the flag signed by the Penn State community that will travel with us at the Global Gaza March)

The Finkelstein event last week went very well. We had a good turn out and had a good discussion with Dr. Finkelstein. We've invited invited close to two dozen pro-Israeli individuals, organizations, institutions to counter Dr. Finkelstein however..all refused.... what are they afraid about? They seem to publicly defend Israel's actions but when asked to challenge their opinion in public..they cannot. The Zionists were there yet no one bothered to challenge Dr. Finkelstein during the Q&A session (maybe because there's nothing to be debated about?) the best they can do is show up with an individual wearing a t-shirt depreciating the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed, how pathetic and disrespectful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the zionist have no argument..nobody buys their bullshit any longer.. they're on the ropes and you need to keep up the pressure.. good job SJP!

Penn State SJP

Penn State SJP
Fighting Discrimination, displacement and apartheid from Palesitne to University Park

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