Saturday, January 3, 2009

Links of Interest...

Photo Images of Demonstrations around the world -

ADC Op-Ed-

Live from Palestine Diary-

Israel Begins Ground Offensive-


Tuesday, January 6 * 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. * 2640 St. Paul St.

Join us at Red Emma's 2640 space (

) for a night of solidarity through music to raise awareness about Israel's ongoing crimes against Gaza and the people of Palestine. The featured musical acts are:

Son of Nun
Sabreena Da Witch
Ryan Harvey
Koma Agir

Open mic for you to share your thoughts and words. The evening will be MC'd by Dave Zirin.

There is a requested $10 donation at the door...if you can, please donate more! We are collecting funds at this event to contribute to the emergency relief efforts in Gaza.

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Penn State SJP
Fighting Discrimination, displacement and apartheid from Palesitne to University Park

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